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Back at the IFM - stairway to the future






Dear Alumni, 

I would like to tell you a story. It all happened thanks to the IFM, especially thanks to the new building of the Quai d'Austerlitz and also surely thanks to this IFM spirit that gives each meeting between two alumni a great chance to share a joyful and creative moment.

Gaby Basora is the founder of Tucker NY, a brand based in New York. She graduated from the IFM e MBA in 2017. She is also a member of the very dynamic IFM ALUMNI USA group.

When Gaby arrived in Paris last fall, we had the chance to connect and start exchanging ideas. Finally, in January, we met at the IFM and it was an energizing moment for both of us: crossing our experiences at the IFM and talking about the feeling of "coming back" especially when we went abroad or working a little far from Paris.

Thank you very much Gaby for this essay-article - letter you sent us!

ET..... Let’s be inspired! If YOU , if you also want to send us an article ( free format) about your MFI experience do not hesitate;)

Patricia L. Milon

Based on an essay " Why I love Paris ? " written by Virginia Thoren in 1958, which was based on an essay written by Rev. Riddle in 1950. I thought about “Why IFM.” 

And why, at the age of 42, I decided to return to school, as a mother of three children, a business-woman.

My business had been turned upside-down by a fire to our headquarters. I was inspired by a project I was working on for a beloved friend, fashion photographer, Virginia Thoren, to publish a book on her life, with a publishing house such as Rizzoli or Abrams. 

I spent many hours in her archives and began to question whether if someone was researching my life, would I be proud of their discovery. Did I admire myself? The answer was no, not completely. My business was vulnerable after the fire. I had to understand how to propel it forward and also do it with integrity and with my dedication to creativity and beauty. 

At this very specific moment, I met Veronique Schilling in New York, through an investor we both knew. Tucker became the case study for the NYC seminar. 

Veronique told us “the word Ecole comes from Loisir” *.( De l’ancien français escole, d’un latin tardif *escola, du latin schola (« loisir studieux, leçon, lieu d’étude »), lui-même issu du grec ancien σχολή, skholế (« arrêt du travail »). « Learning is a luxury”… (and as well an effort and a pleasure, at your own risk… )

The work the students returned impressed me. Their analysis pointed out things that could be done, their fresh and objective eye’s on the business. The market never stops changing, technology either. The constant need for new learning was evident. Better skills were required. School no longer seemed like a luxury but a necessity. 

But again…Why the IFM? 

I lived in NYC with FIT or Parsons just in my backyard. I chose not to go to one of these schools because I had dreams as a young girl of being a mother, of pushing my babies in a carriage past the Pompidou to sit at the Nikki de Saint Phalle  Fountain. I had a history of loving the French way of life through my parents' dear friends, the Richardots, My father and Jean Paul Richardot were students in medical school in Chicago together. Françoise Richardot was a formative figure in my life. So were many others…Francine, French writers, Filmmakers, Fine artists, Painters, Poets, and Thinkers. I chose France to study for new perspectives, and to go deeper into  French history, culture, and business activity. 

Francine et Françoise - ( l’ Institut Francine et Francoise. )

I chose IFM in Paris also because I connected with another special French woman,  Veronique Schilling and the project her students presented. I understood that I could embrace the challenges of my business, my life work, and metier through a different lens, with different values, approaches. 

France with its rich history and appreciation for tradition was also at the forefront of asking and finding solutions for the industry going forward into the future. 

I also respected the Institute's history. I wanted to be in the company of companies and thinkers I long admired. I wanted to bring Tucker to all the possibilities imagined.

One of our first projects, YSL, the RSI, (Real, Symbolic, Imaginary, conceptualized by Jacques Lacan and adapted to management by Professor Patrice Stern) shattered my naiveté about the business. It's shocking I had built my business up with so little knowledge of other businesses' histories. The lengthy readings covered the history of the brand alongside the moving presentation of Luc Rafflin, who discussed changes in the management during his tenure at YSL, tough choices to close factories, licensing deals. My mind was opening and also my heart, to an intimate group of people whose paths might not have crossed if not for being in the MBA program together. 

With William Rose, avec un Cerise Sur Le Chapeau, chapeau. 

With mes cohorts, Pascaline Briand, Leonor Gravey and William Rose

And paths were crossing again, because le monde est petit. At IFM  Alice Rio Derrey, was a student in the graduate design program. A few years before she had completed an Internship in NYC at Tucker. How delighted I was to see her on the steps!  How we inspire each other! I understand that what I have been able to do is thanks to all the people whose paths I have crossed. Les grands esprits se rencontrent as well as the deep support I have from my family, my parents, sisters, father of my children, my children! Tucker is a love story. But it is one chapter in the long love story with life. 

(A photo of Alice and I before we were both students at l’IFM in Tucker coats made of fabric from the French company, Mahlia Kent. Later a group of students would do their 7S on Mahlia Kent.)

Paul Klee said a line was a dot that went on a walk and life started to feel again like the dots connected were heading to somewhere good. Paul is right! Often the line is not direct or clear. I entered a partnership with Resonancecompanies during my first year at IFM. What a challenging time it was. I couldn’t attend all the seminars and had to enter the following year cohorts. I was grateful to be able to continue the MBA program and to have the support of Veronique and Franck Delpal during this challenging time. 

I consider it a lucky chance to have extended my time at IFM, to meet and be part of the next cohorts. For example from Wei, learning from others what markets are like in other countries, where opportunities are, how potentially to enter a new market. This practical information was shared alongside lessons in public speaking and adjusting body language. 

With Wei Zheng 

We had a wonderful assemblage of students. Some who had come to learn while pregnant, with families, men too, managing careers, home life and the challenge of the inconnu. 

As designers, entrepreneurs, managers we play a role in influencing how people live. I am motivated by the effort, rigor, talent, achievements of the IFM community and for this reason hope to always stay involved and to contribute, to see current students, alumni achieving their business and creative goals. 

I am staying engaged at the moment participating on juries. This work is an honour to exchange and connect with the outside experts to help support business projects being realized, as well as the IFM inside community of experts and to give back. I feel grateful for the privilege to meet with Franck Delpal and discuss new things happening, new businesses launching, new concerns. And to constantly stay in close touch with Veronique. 

Back to Virginia’s letter to ask not only  “Why Paris?…” but “Why IFM? …”

The school is growing. The current environment feels uniquely vibrant, very hospitable. Meeting, speaking, and working together in the expansive bright new space, possibilities seem to multiply! 

Certainly, coming back recently to see the exquisite new building I felt I was coming home to my parents house and they had installed a pool in the backyard (after I moved out…) Does a space, like a city, have the power to stretch the mind? “…through the right atmosphere … to achieve new and better ways of living.” 

I think so! .....Mama, Papa, I wanted to say I am moving back home ! In fact I do feel like IFM is a second home, which I always want to return to. 

"La maison des bonheurs, des travailleurs, des rêveurs."

Virginia Thoren sur le chemin de Paris à Provence, when she was living and working in France. 

( Even if it is a modern version of a picnic on the road, masked and with meals “à emporter” ... let's meet up quite soon....  )

 Gaby Basora

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