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Dear alumni,

We are pleased to invite you to a new workshop of the Club Career & Coaching: "Team Coaching in VUCA Mode".

With Katy Goharine this Thursday, December 17, we propose to discuss collaborative methods and team dynamics that allow us to better manage the VUCA Mode in which we are currently evolving.

Four you, for your teams, but also for the teams we interact with - what are the right reflexes, positive attitudes and key skills to look for ?

The rhythm of our professional lives is currently very unstable, sometimes particularly intense. Organizations are adapting quickly, seeking the greatest possible agility while trying to anticipate long-term changes. The modus operandi of collegial commitment and efficient synergies is being rebuilt with the help of increasingly efficient digital tools.

Let's talk about it to understand together the new opportunities that are emerging and take up our next professional challenges as a team!

This session focuses on the motivation and emotions of teams facing the current turbulence.

And how to change one's posture in order to acquire new skills in a VUCA world and take into account systemic dynamics.

Objectives :

Identify the characteristics of a high-performing team

 Integrating the Impacts of a VUCA World

 Motivate and inspire in times of rapid change

NB: VUCA World = characterized by Volatility / Uncertainty / Complexity / Ambiguity

In this VUCA world, projects, priorities and strategies change rapidly to best adapt to volatile situations.

Join us here

Katy Goharine Soheili ( IFM 97° )

Certified Professional Coach

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Career & Coaching
Released on: Chine, Hauts de France, Start up & Business, Management 1999, Creation 2018, MSC Luxury 2018, GFM 2006, GFM 2007, GFM 2008, GFM 2009, GFM 2010, GFM 2011, GFM 2012, GFM 2013, GFM 2014, GFM 2015, GFM 20...
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