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Club Entrepreneurs IFM ALUMNI

Information générale



The IFM Alumni Club Entrepreneur brings together all entrepreneurs who have graduated from the Institut Français de la Mode and the ECSCP - Ecole de la Chambre programs.

The entrepreneurial dynamic is currently suffering.
We would like the IFM Alumni to centralize collegial and effective actions to support our small and medium sized companies, our independents entrepreneurs and freelancers.

Among our missions and before we share our insights and needs:
- To develop the solidarity spirit of and synergies between entrepreneurs.
- To provide our collegial support for the continuation of the activities of the entrepreneurs - To reinforce the visibility of each entrepreneur within the Community
- To facilitate contacts with IFM Alumni entrepreneurs

You will find below - for you - and also for other alumni entrepreneurs that you know - a short survey to help us better identify you and better federate your expectations:
Survey IFM Alumni - Entrepreneurs Club

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