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IFM Alumni Benelux

Information générale



Dear alumni,

During this international health crisis, times are as complex in Belgium as everywhere. With one difference. If this Kingdom is a very simple country, since before the confinement, we did not have a government for a year.
The Belgian federal state is composed of 3 regions and as many cultural and linguistic communities (in descending order of population, Flemish, French and German speakers) with different political sensibilities. Schematically, more to the right among the Flemish and more to the left among the others. Not always easy to deal with, which explains this....

But, "l’union fait la force" is our national motto and, in these turbulent times, we managed to set up a compromise "à la belge" with the site j'achetebelge/ikkoopbelgish. Coordinated by the federations of Belgian fashion manufacturers and retailers as well as by the 3 organisations financed by the regions to promote fashion, this platform brings together more than 1500 players in the sector to encourage local purchasing.

Yes, it all sounds like a happy “brol”, as the new Belgian muse of Chanel, Angèle, would say, but it works! A bit of surrealism as a bonus, when you click on "I buy Belgian", you'll find the name of the site in Dutch with the French.

Moreover, many designers/brands have also started making masks and medical outfits, such as the Natan Couture House, which, for your information, recently opened a shop on the Left Bank, or the designer Jean-Paul Lespagnard, former Festival de Hyères winner, who goes even further, offering a tutorial to make masks that also serves as a contest to raise funds for hospitals. Reactivity, efficiency, this is how we are all used to make fashion !

A new era, a new initiative for the Fashion and Lace Museum of Brussels, which for the first time is offering its Fashion Lesson live this Thursday 16 at 7.30 pm. Everything, everything about contemporary lace with Sylvie Marot. Sign up, it's free.

In addition to fashion, Belgian cinema is now also available online thanks to the lecinemabelgealamaison website which offers an alternative to Netflix & co. To your screens! There's something for every language and every taste.

Finally, to all those who have a personal or professional link with Belgium, or with any region of the world, don't hesitate to go to to share your projects and desires. Our sector will come out on top thanks to its creativity and connectivity.

Courage to all!

Olivier Zeegers

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