Digital & Tech : DNVB - The Future of Retail à Première Vision

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Dear Alumni,

For this new edition of Première Vision, IFM Alumni is happy to announce it's first truly international round table discussion around the hot topic of Digital Native Vertical Brands (DNVB).

We will discuss this new business model that is challenging traditional retail rules and currently reshaping the face of the fashion industry. With us will be main players from all over Europe including CEO and Founder of Tom Cridland (UK), the CEO of Yeba Essential (BE), the CEO of Brownie & Blondie (GER) and the co-founder of Bonne Gueule (FR).

After a short introductory keynote held by Viviane Lipskier, expert of this new business model and author of the first DNBV handbook, the discussion will give a clear insight of this phenomenon and its business model.

This round table addresses all future entrepreneurs interested in pure online brands, but also representatives of more traditional brands as well as buyers of department stores, that are interested in a better understanding of what is thriving market demand in the future.

We hope to welcome as many as possible of our IFM Alumni around this event taking place at Première Vision. The speakers as well as other alumni would be more than happy to exchange in a relaxed environnement and to use PV also as a networking event bringing together alumni from all over Europe.

Pôle Digital & Tech
L’Association des Diplômés de l’Institut Français de la Mode

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Salon Première Vision

Salle 501-502 93420 VILLEPINTE

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