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Olivia Chammas, nouvelle Déléguée Générale IFM Alumni

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Olivia Chammas (MS 2015) was appointed in September, Executive Director of IFM Alumni, succeeding Patricia Lefebvre-Milon, who led the association for over 10 years. Patricia has greatly contributed to the strength and influence of the IFM Alumni community.

Olivia previously held the role of Talent Recruiter, within MAD luxury consultancy, in the executive search activity, MAD Talent.
Previously a fashion entrepreneur and organizer of events on the luxury industry and sustainable development, Olivia has always remained active within the IFM Alumni and very attached to the Institut Français de la Mode.

The association's executive committee is chaired by Catherine Jacquet, and also includes Pierre-François Le Louët, Vice-President (MS 1998), Anthony Drouot, Secretary (MS 2017) and Anne Fuhrhop, Treasurer (MS 2011).

The entire IFM Alumni community thanks Patricia warmly for her immense commitment to the association, and wishes Olivia great success.

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