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BSc Management de la Mode et des Industries Créatives - Conversation with Françoise Sackrider

Information générale



Dear alumni, 

 I was delighted to speak with Françoise Sackrider about the launch of a brand new programme that she is in the process of developing with her new team for the next academic year at the Institut Français de la Mode: BSc Management for Fashion and Creative Industries.

With this new Bachelor programme in Management, the Institut Français de la Mode is responding to the needs of the business sector, who, in addition to those MSc and Msc graduates in management, also wish to recruit junior profiles for management posts.  This new programme also meets the demand of high school graduates who are passionate about creativity in the broadest sense of the term, and who wish to follow a management course and also envisage their future career within the creative industries.

This Bachelor programme in Management is a continuation of the Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design and the Bachelor Modéliste Concepteur (taught entirely in French), and enriches the triptych of fashion design, management and savoir-faire that is an established theme in the the evolution of the Institut Français de la Mode and the new campus at the Quai d'Austerlitz. 

From next September, Françoise and Laura Owen, Academic Coordinator of the programme, will welcome 70 students in the framework of a three-year programme, and in the spirit of the IFM, will be working with numerous professional experts and alumni for their expertise.


The increased capacity (over 8000 m²) and the quality of the new facilities will reinforce collaboration between the IFM's three major teaching areas. Joint workshops and courses will allow students from the Management and Fashion Design Bachelor programmes to work together from the beginning of the new school year. This level of interaction between programmes will allow each student to build   their own career path. 


This programme will enable students to acquire a solid management background, whilst developing their knowledge and understanding of the languages and codes of fashion design.  

The programme will have a solid foundation in management – building on management fundamentals, with a strong emphasis on marketing, including that specific to the creative sector. A central place will also be given to courses that encourage the development of each student’s culture and their sensitivity to the arts in their broadest sense. 

Finally, themes linked to societal changes and their influence on our sectors - in particular sustainable development and digital technology - will be given particular attention. 


Among the many objectives of this bachelor's degree, is that students are supported in developing a critical, agile and structured way of thinking.


Emphasis will be placed on the international dimension of this programme, both through the content of classes and teaching. The possibility of carrying out an assignment and an academic exchange within foreign partner universities adds an additional international element. Françoise explains that the first year is available in French or English, depending on the candidate. On the other hand, the second and third years are taught entirely in English.


On graduating from this programme, graduates can continue their higher education by joining a Master's degree in France or abroad; they can also apply for the MSc in International Fashion & Luxury Management at the IFM. These young graduates will also have the opportunity to begin their professional career in this sector on graduation, building on their acquired knowledge and benefiting from the professional experience they will have gained during the ten months of internships offered by this course.


The future graduates of this Bachelor's degree are destined for the creative industries as we know them at the IFM, fashion, luxury, beauty, well-being, sport...


The BSc Management for Fashion and Creative Industries meets student demand to engage in programmes which are both solid AND creative. The current context demonstrates that cultivating one's own creative resources will be as decisive in the future as building on one's academic knowledge and sectoral expertise, with an international vision and approach.

One of the strong points of our sector is enabling younger generations to train and learn in an environment of excellence whilst cultivating their sense of curiosity, their capacity for discovery, their openness and ability to adapt.

Do not hesitate to pass on information about this new programme within our various professional networks. You can find more information here. 

You can also discover a video presentation of the BSc in Management on the IFM website and follow our Insta live events, the dates of which can be found on the BSc webpage.




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