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COMMITMENT, the "creative matchmaker" by Carole Debris

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Carole Debris, who are you?

My professional journey is deeply rooted in the world of Fashion, a field that has fascinated me for over 17 years. As a Commercial Director, I have had the privilege of collaborating with prestigious international brands such as Kenzo Footwear at BERTHIER, Nina Ricci Menswear and Christian Lacroix Menswear at Chemises ROUSSEAU, as well as Tiger of Sweden in London and Stephane Kélian. Each position has been an adventure, enriching my experience and broadening my perspective of the industry.

In 2019, I decided to reinvent myself by enrolling in the Executive MBA Global Fashion Management at IFM. In this inspiring environment, I first co-founded COMMITMENT with Julie Coulot.

Then, I evolved COMMITMENT into a creative "match-maker" for the circular economy, an expert in the Fashion and Luxury sectors, and an advocate of transformation for revalorization without destruction

This initiative marks a key stage in my career, symbolizing my commitment to a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry.

What is the concept or founding idea behind the creation of COMMITMENT?

In 2005, while working for a high-end French manufacturer, I became aware of the significant issues related to excess inventory in the textile and fashion industry. At that time, powerless, I witnessed the destruction of residual goods due to the lack of alternative solutions. This pivotal moment profoundly marked the beginning of my professional commitment.

Fifteen years later, in 2020, with this event etched in my memory, I decide to dedicate my career to the revalorization of residues from the creative industries by creating COMMITMENT, a positive and creative upcycling solution for brands and retailers that respects their identity by offering a tailor-made concept.

By connecting these companies with artists, artisans, designers, and material engineers, COMMITMENT facilitates the creation of aesthetic and cultural objects. COMMITMENT manages the project up to the storytelling of the transformation for the brand. Its goal is to reintegrate these creations within companies in the form of artworks, decorative objects, or goodies.

A striking example is that of leather scraps left over by a luxury brand. We are currently developing the prototype of a future artwork with three artists. After the sample is validated, the artwork will be created and then displayed in one of the brand's boutiques, thus giving these unused leather scraps a new life and unique spotlight.

What challenges did you face when launching COMMITMENT and how did you overcome them?

Launching a project on February 1, 2020, just before the global lockdown, might seem far from ideal. However, this unique period turned out to be an unexpected opportunity. It allowed us to forge strong connections with many executives through enriching virtual meetings. These exchanges provided us with valuable advice, guided our approach, and allowed a deep understanding of market issues.

COMMITMENT was born in response to the AGEC Law, initially planned for 2021 and finally enacted on January 1, 2022. This legislation, which prohibits the destruction of dormant stocks, found in us a pioneer ready to meet the challenge. We gradually built our reputation, developed a dense and varied network of material engineers, artisans, designers, and CSR directors. We explored and structured all upcycling solutions, offering a new life to unsold items.

The major challenge was meeting key decision-makers, those directly concerned with these strategic issues, and convincing them that transforming their stocks could generate added value, both economically and aesthetically.

What are the main products or services you offer? How do they differ from those of your competitors?

COMMITMENT is not a recycling solution, not second-hand, and not a marketplace.

COMMITMENT offers upcycling by enhancing, reviving, and adding value to what has been discarded, and highlights the artisan-artists who often work in the shadows.

COMMITMENT is the creative "matchmaker" of the circular economy, providing a previously nonexistent bridge to all actors in the upcycling sector, thereby enabling optimal solutions to the challenges of product life cycles.

We rely on an exceptional network of talents and know-how, including artists, artisans, engineers, and designers. The Institut pour les Savoir-Faire Français, formerly known as INMA (Institut National des Métiers d'Art), is one of our key partners, offering us privileged access to a pool of high-level artisans and designers.

In addition to its primary mission of consulting, COMMITMENT also facilitates "creative matchmaking" through the design of tailor-made workshops to study and resolve the challenges of revaluing dormant stocks for industry stakeholders.

These interventions can take the form of a day spent within a brand with a qualified artist, designer, engineer, or artisan from the circular economy, or workshops organized with fashion or design school students at their institution.

These seminars play a crucial role in raising awareness among students—the creators of tomorrow—as well as brand employees about the importance of transforming without destroying, while finding concrete solutions.

Thus, COMMITMENT offers a tailor-made, aesthetic, and creative solution in line with the values and identity of each partner brand.

We aim to contribute to a world where Beauty and Environmental Responsibility harmoniously unite.

What are the next steps for COMMITMENT?

COMMITMENT aims to gain recognition and become the key player in the circular economy within the creative industries sector.

My short-term goal is to increase our visibility, communicate more about our achievements, and expand the number of brands we work with.

Being a matchmaker also means knowing how to partner with other key players who will help grow COMMITMENT.

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